Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Pillars [Al-Masjid An-Nabawi As-Sharif]

 Al-Ustawanah, The Columns, The Pillars in the Sacred Garden.

“What is between my house and my minbar is a meadow of the meadows of Jannah, and my minbar is on my pool,” said our Beloved Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam. 

There are many other places inside Masjid-e Nabawi Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam at which special prayers may be offered. Most of these are normally mentioned in Haj guides. A few relating to the pillars in the Sacred Mosque will be mentioned here.


Hadrat Mullah Ali Qari Rahmatullahi 'alayh writes. “Those pillars of the sacred mosque, which are of special virtue and blessed should be indeed be visited by the visitor to madina. There he should keep himself busy with voluntary prayer and dua. This applied especially to that portion of the Mosque, which used to be the mosque during the time of our beloved Prophet Sayyedina Muhammad Mustufa Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam before its enlargement. 

The pillars in this area are of special blessed nature. According to Hadrat Imam Bukhari Rahmatullahi 'alayh the Companions Radi Allahu anhum of Rasulullah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam used to offer many prayers at these pillars. Pilgrims should take the opportunity of offering prayers at these pillars. 

SubhanAllah, the heart bursts. Exploding and descending into unimaginable depths of sweetness. Transported to realms heavenly and divine. Transfixed; not only due to the sanctity and sacredness of this chosen Mubarak piece of ground that Allah Ta’ala has blessed as the earthly parallel of Jannah, but this is where His Habib SallAllahu alaihi wasallam worshipped, taught, listened, received revelations from Jibreel Alaihis Sallam, walked, smiled, fasted, distributed booty, united so many in marriage, prayed Janazah over his daughters, his son, his companions, called for Jihad. 

This is the very place where thousands of the Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhu walked, sat, listened, worshipped, and where thousands of our illustrious predecessors Rahmatullah alaihum also graced the hallowed ground. And where today, and tomorrow, until Allah Ta’ala deems  otherwise, our pious scholars raise their hands, praising, and seeking  for the entire Ummah, where individuals from every far-flung corner of the globe humbly present themselves to the Mercy of the Worlds SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, where millions more turn their hearts from wherever they may be. Such Shukr that we have been blessed with the power of projecting our hearts and minds to this place regardless of where our physical body may be, and such Shukr that Allah Ta’ala has blessed  us with Angels roaming the entire Universe to convey our Salam and Durood upon His Rasul SallAllahu alaihi wasallam. SubhanAllah, Alhumdulillah, La ilaha illAllah, Allahu Akbar.

The columns, or pillars in the Sacred Rowdha stand in the exact place where the original palm tree trunks erected by our Beloved Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam and his Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhum stood.  Constructed under his SallAllahu alaihi wasallam gaze! This image in itself is enough to induce delirium, and a state of ecstasy! With all the expansions and renovations, the distinct positions have not altered. And each of these honoured places has a soul stirring tale to tell.   

The Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhum loved to pray behind these columns, as did billions throughout the centuries and the millions now. Umar Radhiallahu anhu, used to say: “Those who pray have more right to the trunks than those who sit there conversing.” And when he saw a man praying away from them, he pulled him to behind a pillar saying: “pray facing it.” Anas ibn Malik RadhiAllahu anhu said: “I saw the elders among the Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhum rush to the pillars at Maghrib to pray, until the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam came out.”  
These columns are marked with a relief medallion near the top, bearing the specific name inscribed in Arabic with golden letters on a green background.  

1. Al-Ustuwanatul-Mukhallaqah, also known as the Hannana column, and Column of the Mushaf.

This is the thickset column immediately behind the Mihrab.(detail above) It marks the place where Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam used to lead Salat after the direction of Qiblah was changed to the Ka’abah. Various narrations are cited as to the name of “the perfumed pillar”. One states that one day our Beloved Nabi SallAllahu alaihi wasallam saw that someone had spat on the trunk, so one of the Sahabah cleaned it and then applied perfume (Khalooq) to the place. Another account is during the time of the caliph, Haroon Rashid, his mother, Al-Khayzuran, when she came for Hajj in 170 A.H.  perfumed all the pillars, applying more to this one and Aishah’s Pillar. 

This column is also named Hannana because it was the site of the trunk of a palm tree against which the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam used to lean during the Khutbah. When he began using the new Minbar the trunk shook and wept, shaking bitterly as if it was going to burst with agony, until our gentle Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam stepped down from the Minbar and calmed it with his hand. He continued to offer Salat at this trunk until work on extensions began during the time of the caliphate of Uthman RadhiAllahu anhu. Some narrations say that it was then moved to the house of Abu ibn Ka’b, where it remained until it decayed, some say it was buried where it was, others say it was buried under the Minbar, while I have also heard some scholars say that it was buried in Jannatul Baqi. And only Allah the Almighty knows the truth. 

Hasan Basri Rahmatullah alaihi used to cry when he described these narrations saying: “O you believers, this piece of wood used to cry for the love of Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu alaihi wasallam. You should display more enthusiasm and love to meet the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam on the Day of Judgement.”
Imam Shafi’ Rahmatullahi 'alayh said: “The miracles given to the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu alaihi wasallam were not given to any other Prophet.” A person said to the Imam: “Isa, alaihis Sallam was given the miracle of bringing the dead back to life.” Whereupon Imam Shafi’ replied: “Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was given the miracle where a tree cried. Crying of a dead tree is a bigger miracle indeed.” 

Imam Malik Rahmatullahi 'alayh says; “Of all places the one I prefer for my Salaah in the blessed Masjid e Nabawi is this one.” 

The reason why this same column is also known as the Column of the Mushaf is according to a narration by Malik ibn Anas, that Hajjaj ibn Yusuf sent copies of the Qur’an Majeed to many of the major cities at the time, and the one sent to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah was placed in a box and kept to the right of this column. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

4. Ustuwaana A’isha Radi Allahu anha
Also called Ustuwaana –e- Muhajereen and Ustuwaana –I-Qur’a This is called the Ustuwaana-e- Muhajereen, because originally the Muhajereen used to sit near this spot.
Our Beloved Prophet Sayyedina Muhammad Mustufa Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam used to say their prayers here and afterwards moved to the place at Ustuwaana Mukhallaq (no1).
It is called the Ustuwaana –I-Qur’a., the reason for this is that Hadrat A’isha Radi Allahu anha reports that Rasulullah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam said;

“ In this mosque is one such spot that if people knew the true blessed nature of it; they would flock towards it in such numbers that to pray there would have had to cast lots” People asked Hadrat Aisha Radi Allahu anha to point out the exact spot; which she refused to do.
Later on at the persistence of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Zubair Radi Allahu anhu , she pointed out this spot. Hence it is called Ustuwaana –I-A’isha because she reports the Hadith and she showed the exact spot. It is a fact that Hadrat Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu and Hadrat Umar Radi Allahu anhu  very often used to pray here.

5. Ustuwanatal-Tawba, Column of Repentance, or the Pillar of Abu Lubabah.
This column is so named as it represents the place where Allah Ta’ala accepted the repentance of Abu Lubabah RadhiAllahu anhu.

Our Beloved Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam surrounded the Jewish Tribe of Bani Quraiza on the outskirts of Madinah for twenty five days due to their treachery. After their provisions were exhausted they requested to be given permission to travel safely to Syria. Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam told them that whatever decision Sa’ad ibn Muath RadhiAllahu anhu made as mediator, they should accept that. But the Jews requested that Abu Lubabah RadhiAllahu anhu be the one to negotiate with as he had been their ally before Islam, and he had family and property in this area, so they thought he would be kinder to them. The Noble Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, forever displaying the fairest of manners in all dealings agreed to their request, and hence sent Abu Lubabah RadhiAllahu anhu to them. The tribe came rushing to him in distress, playing on his emotions. They asked what would become of them if they left the security of their fort, would they be safe. He replied in the affirmative, but while saying so gestured cutting of the throat with his hand, indicating that their head will be cut off. This was in fact the secret the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam made with Abu Lubabah RadhiAllahu anhu. 

As soon as Abu Lubabah RadhiAllahu anhu did this he realized his grave betrayal, saying: “My legs had not moved from their place before I knew that I had betrayed Allah and His Messenger.” He immediately rushed to the Masjid where he bound himself to the pillar, vowing to remain in this condition until his repentance was accepted. Some narrations say he was there for seven days and seven nights, being untied only for ritual purification and prayers. He barely ate during this time and passed out several times. When Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam heard of what he had done he said: “He could have come directly to me and I would have prayed for his forgiveness. Now he has left the whole matter to Allah. He should wait till Allah accepts his repentance directly.”

At dawn on the seventh day, while the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was in Umm Salama RadhiAllahu anha’s house, she saw him smile. When she inquired why he was smiling he informed her that Allah Ta’ala had forgiven Abu Lubabah RadhiAllahu anhu. She asked if she could be the one to convey the happy news, whereupon the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said: “If you wish.” Umm Salama RadhiAllahu anha walked to the door of her house, being beside the Masjid, and called out to Abu Lubabah: “Receive the good news O Abu Lubabah! Allah has forgiven you!” 

The Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhum present in the Masjid at the time rushed to congratulate and untie him, but he said: “Leave me until the Messenger of Allah, SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, comes and unties me with his own hands!”
They left him and he was untied according to his wish when Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam came out for Fajr Salat. 

Such drastic measures taken by the Sahabah to rectify a mistake! And now this very column is sought after by many as the auspicious place to make Tawba, SubhanAllah! May Allah Ta’ala save us, and accept our repentance. Ameen.

The Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was said to often pray his Nawafil Salat at this pillar, and it was one of the main places he would sit to receive the poor, the weak, the needy, guest and others after Salatul Fajr. They would sit in circle around him listening to his advice, reciting the latest revelations to them and see to their needs. And Allah the Almighty knows best. 

6. Ustuwanatul-Sarir, Column of the Bed

This marks the place where a mat made of palm fronds and a leather cushion filled with palm fibre used to be spread for the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam during his Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan. 

It is narrated that our Blessed Lady Aishah RadhiAllahu anha, could sit at the door of their house washing and combing his Mubarak hair while our Beloved Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was actually in the Masjid, as the door to their simple quarters was beside this pillar!

The Guard Column on the right and the Delegates Column on the left with the doorway that roughly corresponds to the Mubarak door our Beloved Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam used to enter the Masjid from the narrow passageway that separated the houses of Lady Aishah and Lady Fatimah RahdiAllahu anhima.

7. Ustuwanatul-Haras, Column of the Guard.

The position of this column was adjacent to the Mubarak door leading to the humble home of our Blessed Rasul SallAllahu alaihi wasallam and our Beloved Lady Aishah RadhiAllahu anha, and it is where some of the Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhum would stand guard. Narrations say that Ali RadhiAllahu anhu was the main guard, along with Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas and Abu Saeed Khudri RadhiAllahu anhum. Once Rasul SallAllahu alaihi wasallam returned weary from battle saying to our Lady Aishah: “I wish a man of virtue should come to guard me tonight.” Soon after he heard the clanging of weapons outside his house, and when he inquired as to who was there, the reply came: “Sa’d, I have come to guard you.” So the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam slept. 

Soon after Allah Ta’ala revealed:
And Allah will protect you from people… (5:67), 

so Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam informed the Sahabah RadhiAllahu anhum that they were no longer needed to stand guard.

8. Ustuwanatul-Wufud, Column of the Delegations.

This column stands where Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam used to receive the numerous delegations that would arrive in Madinah from various tribes to announce their entry into Islam and pledge their allegiance to the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, as well as other dignitaries from other lands.
Burzanji Rahmatullah alaihi said: “The bed, the guard and the delegates columns used to be somewhat inside the Sacred Chamber. In 888 A.H., the wall of the Sacred Chamber was rebuilt during the period of Qaitabai, when half of each column was built outside the wall to mark the locations.” 

9. Grave Square Column.

This position is said to be one of the Maqamas of Jibreel Alaihis Sallam. THIS WAS THE USUAL PLACE WHERE JIBRA'IL AS. USED TO ENTER TO VISIT RASULULLAH (Sallallahu Alaihe wasallam) This column is on the northwestern corner of Lady Aishah’s house, and since our Noble Al-Mustafa SallAllahu alaihi wasallam is in this house which is almost square in shape, they refer to this as the Grave Square Column.  This column cannot be seen as it is behind the metallic enclosure. 

“O Allah, the leveler of the Plains, the Maker of the Firmament, and the Molder of Hearts into the good and the bad, grant Your noblest blessings, most fruitful favours and most loving kindness to our master Muhammad, Your Servant and Your Messenger, the opener of what was locked and the Sea; of what had gone before, the announcer of truth with truth, and the refuter of the forces of falsehood! He who took upon himself the responsibility of Your order in obedience to You, speedily seeking Your Pleasure, earnestly heeding Your Revelation, keeping Your Promise, carrying out and executing Your Command, so that, by kindling a burning brand for the seeker, his followers gain access through him to the blessings of Allah! Hearts were guided through him after having entered into discord and sin, and he gladdened with evident signs, with enlightening laws and illuminating Islam! And he is Your trustworthy one and safe custodian of Your secret Knowledge, Your witness on the Day of Judgement and Your envoy, a favour for us, and Your Messenger, in truth, a mercy for us! O Allah, widen for him his place in Your Eden and reward him doubly with the goodness of zyour Favour granting him untarnished felicitations from the victory of Your Reward, which is plentiful and fitting, and from Your Lofty Gift!”  Dala’il al-Khayrat.

All good is from Allah Ta’ala whereas mistakes are from this humble speck. May Allah Ta’ala Bless all readers, bringing you all closer to Him and His Rasul SallAllahu alaihi wasallam.  May He accept our humble efforts and grant us the capacity to be good and do good. Ameen. 

(Copied from various sources over the net)